Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

Dear children, today, when you celebrate my feast as Mother of God here and also celebrate the Day of Peace, the day of the Universal Brotherhood for Peace, I come from Heaven again to tell you: I am the Mother of God! I have been chosen to be the Mother of the Savior, and therefore I have been raised to the highest dignity that exists after that of being God. That is why no creature can ever be equal to me in glory, dignity, holiness and also can never be equal to me in the degree of love with which God loved me and with which he made me his worthy mother.
I am the Mother of God, and therefore I come from Heaven to tell you all: Open your hearts to me so that I can bring my divine son Jesus Christ to birth in your hearts, because my mission to bring forth my son Jesus did not end 2000 years ago, it continues today and will continue until the end of the world, because it is my maternal mission to bring forth my son Jesus mystically in each of my children throughout the world until he grows up and in you the fullness of stature and holiness.
It is my maternal mission to make my child born and grow in all of you, so open the doors of your hearts ever more, through prayer, meditation, sacrifice, penance, your yes to the will of the Lord and also to my will, so that I can guide you every day quickly, surely to holiness.
I am the Mother of God! So reign over my son's heart and he cannot deny me anything, absolutely nothing! Therefore, everyone who wants holiness, everyone who wants the flame of love in all its intensity, everyone who wants wisdom in all its depth, everyone who wants the gift of piety and the fear of God in all its depth, come to me, ask me for all these graces and I will surely obtain from my divine son all these gifts, all these graces.
I am the Mother of God, so reign over my son's heart. I loved God so much that God became my son. I was so united to God and so intimate with the Lord that he became my son and I became his mother, I became pregnant.
I loved God so much and God loved me so much that He made me be His mother. Therefore, where I am, there is my son Jesus and where he is always I am too, to make him be born and grow to the fullness of holiness in the hearts of my children. So my children, come to me in this new year! Open your hearts to me like never before, so that I can pour my flame of love into you, because the time that I have now is getting scarcer and scarcer, my hour is almost sounding and soon my voice will be silent, so open your hearts to me. Decide for me, decide on my plan of love while I still have time to guide you along the path of holiness.
Yes, you must reread all my messages, you must also reread my entire life, reread Imitation of Christ, listen to all the messages I have given you here, re-read all the videos of messages and of my apparitions that my little son Marcos has made for you, so that you can truly remember everything I have said to you and put it into practice, now that my great battle against my enemy will go to its final phase.
If soldiers do not continually feed on my word, how will they have the strength to resist in the hour of martyrdom? At the hour of persecution? At the hour of trial? At the hour of pain? In the hour when all the elements of heaven and earth will be shaken by the punishments that will fall upon all? What strength will you have?
So take my messages, watch them, listen to them, read them all over again, take the Rosary and pray, pray, pray! Pray with your heart, pray the mental prayer that opens your hearts with the flame of divine love and warms them with my own flame of love, fills them with the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, so that my children, you may truly, in this new year, reach the fullness of holiness that I have come here to seek and that the Lord expects from all of you.
Thank you for coming and staying here all night praying, singing, contemplating my life and giving thanks to the Lord with me for the past year and this year that is beginning. Pray even more intensely my children, because in this new year I have great graces to give to you!
You too will have great trials to face, and those who do not pray will not endure; and because you have not endured and persevered, you will be, truly crossed out of the book of life.
That is why, my children, I ask you all: Do not be reproached for your fault, do not be reproached for your negligence and laziness. Work hard for the sanctification of yourselves and all my children. Go everywhere, doing the cenacles and prayer groups that I asked for.
Now more than ever I wish that on the first day of each month you pray the Rosary of my Immaculate Conception, taking with you my image of wisdom with my son Jesus. Behold my divine motherhood, speak to all my children of this my dogma, of this my great glory, of this my great dignity, so that finally my children may understand my greatness, my value and how much God has loved me, so that my children may be filled with confidence in me, turn to me with love and so that I may help them with the graces of my love.
I bless you all now, especially you my little son Marcos. Thank you for the sacrifice of your headache offered yesterday, the last day of the year to me. With that intense headache, you saved 367. 519,000 souls, many of them were from agonizing, others from sinners, and still others, my son, souls who were in purgatory.
Thank you for offering this sacrifice every day. If you had not done this, that tsunami that took place this week would have been much worse, that punishment of that tsunami would have been much worse and many more people would have died. Thanks to you, I was able to diminish it! Keep offering to diminish the punishments that the world deserves for your crimes and sins and to achieve great graces from the Lord for the world, especially for your homeland.
To you, in whom I always find so much love and docility to my voice, to my will, to you my son, who with the new Rosary of Mercy and the new Meditated Rosary also helped me to save so many thousands of souls, and to all my children who work for me and with me, I now bless you with love: from Fatima, from Caravaggio and from Jacareí".
Our Lady after a brief pause:
"I am the Mother of God! I reign in heaven! I reign over my son's heart! I have been raised to the highest dignity that can be given to a pure creature, the dignity of the Mother of God.
God loved me so much that he became my son. Therefore, I reign over the heart of my son and under my authority all things are subject, and in a way, even God himself, because my son denies me nothing, so whoever I want to save and on whom I place my merciful eyes of love and predilection, he will be saved!
Happy is he who places himself under my gaze, who conquers my heart with works of love, with sacrifices of love, with the yes of love, because to him I will reach my son and I will give him eternal life!
Our Lady after touching the religious objects presented to her:
"As I said before, wherever these rosaries, pictures and holy objects arrive, there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord. I bless you all with love now, once again, so that you may be happy and to all I leave my peace".
Marcos Tadeu: "Yes, I will make you my Queen. Yes, I will!"
See you soon!