Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

Dear children, I come again today to call you to true love.
Imitate the love of my seers and the people of Pontmain, answering "yes" promptly to Me, as they answered, and as my little son Marcos explained so well to them.
Oh! If only the people of the whole world had known of my appearance of Pontmain and the example of the people of Pontmain. If there was at least one person who spoke of Pontmain, like my little son Marcos, in every church, chapel, in every house, very quickly regions of the entire earth would be healed spiritually and fall in love with the Lord.
But the true apostles are missing. What is missing are the true workers, the true souls in love with the Lord and with me, burned and set on fire by the Flame of Love, who bring all this to the knowledge of my children.
Be these apostles, my children! Be you my missionaries of love who bring the truth, bring the knowledge of my apparitions to my children and make all of them truly become flames of love, and the world become a furnace of love.
Yes, we must imitate the love of the people of Pontmain.
Love that is true is not refused. True love is not denied, on the contrary, it is given! Love that is true does not demand, if it gives. Love that is true does not hold back, if it gives, if it gives!
This is what my people of Pontmain did for me. They did not want to retain, to conserve their lives for themselves, but they generously gave me their lives to help me save France and the souls of the whole world. That is why the miracle of my merciful and loving heart happened, saving France from war and, even today, saving it from so many evils and dangers and saving so many souls all over the world.
If you have this love that does not hold but gives itself. Which is not retained but is offered. That does not demand, but gives itself; then you will truly become the powerful instruments of my Immaculate Heart to save souls, like the people of Pontmain. Above all, my children, imitate also the example of fervent prayer of the people of Pontmain. When my seers told them that I was sad because they were talking and not praying, they understood immediately and started praying. And with the prayer came to them all the good, all the grace of the Lord. The war was won, peace triumphed and came for everyone, a blessing in abundance!
Little children, imitate this example and pray...pray! And then, all the blessing of the Lord will come upon you. I will bless you, I will bless the world and I will finally give you all peace, my peace.
Pray the Rosary every day, which is a safe way to conquer and preserve peace.
Always be "yes" as my people of Pontmain were to me. And then, in you, I will be able to do the wonders of my Immaculate Heart and I will transform you into luminous beacons to illuminate the face of the earth.
Go my children! Do the cenacles. Do the prayer groups that I asked for, always further away, from home to home, taking my messages to my children who do not know them. Do not stop! Do not stop speaking, because good souls, elected souls exist, and only you can bring to these elected souls, my love, my grace that will sanctify them and realize in them, the plan of the Father!
Forward! Do the cenacles, especially every 17th day. Make a cenacle in honor of my apparition in Pontmain, showing my children the video of my apparition, so beautiful, that my little son Marcos made, so that my children may know Pontmain, obey my message of Pontmain, and like the people of Pontmain, may finally receive from me the grace of peace and blessing of the Lord.
Give to 18 of my children this video of Pontmain, so that they may know me, love me and through me, know my son Jesus crucified whom I brought to Pontmain, and thus, offer their lives to despise my son Jesus of the cross, who is crucified every day for so many sins that humanity commits. He is crucified mystically again. And then, may the good and generous souls, with their lives full of prayer and love, despise my son of the Cross, and thus, give it to him: Comfort, love, affection and the true devotion he expects, the true worship he expects from all of you.
I am the sorrowful Mother who comes from heaven to call you to conversion and to say to you: Convert, my children, truly, because when the anger of the Lord, justly inflamed by the sins of the world falls, it will be without warning!
Like John the Baptist in the desert, like the voice crying out in the desert, I say to you: Repent! Convert without delay. Just as in Pontmain, I defeated the powerful enemy army, so too, in the last battle I am waging against my infernal enemy, only I will be a saleswoman.
Hope! In the end I will triumph and bring everyone a time of peace. Become worthy of this new time by living all my messages in holiness.
To everyone, I bless you with love, and especially you, my beloved little son Marcos.
For every soul who has been touched and will be touched by the video you made of my apparition in Pontmain, for every soul who has been converted and will convert and open his heart to me, so many more crowns of glory I will give you in heaven.
Thank you little son, for making this my apparition known, here in this country, where it was virtually unknown. How many souls have turned their hearts to me for this film you made! How many prayers were said after it, for those who did not pray. How much hope and consolation I gave to my children's hearts, so that they would persevere and not become discouraged in this time of great tribulation. For all this, you are and will be blessed by me abundantly. And as many as souls are helped, touched, converted and saved through this video you made, will be as many crowns of glory and stars that I will give you in Heaven.
I bless you and I bless you too, my beloved little son Leandro. Congratulations! You are my son! My favorite son! I chose you from your mother's womb! You are mine!
I love you with all the strength of my Immaculate Heart, and I will never leave you.
Persevere on the path of holiness in which I placed you, and to which I called you. Persevere, my son, every day: in love, in obedience, in prayer, in the true fear of God, who is the source of true wisdom. If you persevere, you will be wise. If you persevere, you will be holy. If you persevere, you will be pleasant and beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. Never forget that I am in heaven always praying for you.
And much more, much more than the skin united to your flesh, I am close to you, always listening to your prayers. Pray, pray, pray. Persevere in the yes and help my son Marcos to raise my sanctuary and make here my powerful army.
You were born for this and this is the purpose of your existence. My enemy tried in many ways, to take you away from me, to take you away from me, but I triumphed! And now my son, persevere, persevere along with the privileged soul to whom I appear and to whom I entrusted you, I entrusted you to him.
Persevere, so that I may truly crown you with the beautiful crown of glory that I prepare for you every day in heaven. Don't forget: I am your mother and I will never leave you! My Immaculate Heart and this shrine will be the luminous road that will lead you to heaven.
To you and to all my beloved children, I bless with love now, from Pontmain, Pellevoisin and Jacareí.
Marcos peace! Peace my beloved children! Peace to you too, my beloved son Leandro! Peace to you too, my beloved son Leandro! Mama loves you very much, and Mama will never leave you".
Our Lady, after touching the religious objects that were presented to her:
"As I have already said, wherever any of these holy objects that I have touched arrive, there the great graces of the Lord will be with me. I will be alive acting powerfully to protect and help my beloved children.
To all again I bless you now, that you may be happy, and I leave you Peace.
Hope! In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph! As I triumphed in Pontmain, I will triumph here, I will triumph all over the world!"