Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Don't Waste Even One Day of Your Life on Frivolous and Mundane Things

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the Lady of the Assumption! I was taken to Heaven in body and soul to there, with God, crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, to help all my children with even greater power, mercy and grace!
I am the Lady of the Assumption raised to Heaven and to Heaven, you must raise your eyes today too, where the heavenly Mother is crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth!
Eyes to Heaven every day of your life! And may you do everything for Heaven, everything to reach it, everything to possess it. He is that precious pearl that my son Jesus spoke of in the Gospel, for which you must sell everything and leave everything alone to buy and possess it.
So, for heaven's sake, leave everything, renounce everything that is mundane so that you can be worthy and deserving of heaven!
Eyes to Heaven every day of your life! And with your eyes always fixed on Heaven, walk the road of prayer, penance and holiness. Always seeking to please and serve God more and more and also to serve the Mother of Heaven as my little son Maximiliano Kolbe did.
Yes, do not waste even one day of your life on frivolous and mundane things, because the time to gather merits to gain entry into Heaven is now, after death you can no longer do anything to have merits.
So, my children, work ceaselessly to enrich yourselves spiritually, so that then you may be worthy of Heaven and the crown of glory that I prepare for you all.
Follow the perfume of my Immaculate Body.
Follow this perfume along the path of prayer, love of God, sacrifice, penance, obedience to the Lord for which I want to lead all of you. And continue praying my Rosary every day! Through the Rosary I sanctify more and more your bodies and souls.
Pray it, so that then I may clothe you with my own purity, my own holiness, my own beauty. And so, may I present you to the Lord as the most fragrant mystical roses of my garden of love and the copies, the perfect images of the splendor of my Glorious Body.
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Spread more and more my Apparitions to my children, for this is the last anchor of salvation that God gives to the world.
Give my children 3 films of my Apparitions in Banneux and Beauraing, Voices from Heaven #5, so that my children may know my great love and my desire to save everyone.
And give 4 films of my Apparition in Pellevoisin , ( Voices of Heaven # 18) so that my children will understand that I reign in Heaven, I am Lady of my son's Heart, he loves me and cannot deny me anything.
And if a son comes to me with confidence no matter how sinful he may be and wants to obey and love me, I will pray for that son to my son Jesus, he will forgive his sins, give him the grace of conversion and with it the grace of salvation.
Then, make my apparitions known so that the world may know my love, come to me, and then, coming to me, come to my son.
Give my children 3 Rosaries of Peace meditated #6 so that then my children will recognize the great graces that I accomplish here and then pray, pray, pray to me with confidence and I will multiply the graces of my love.
I bless you all with love now and especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you so much for your patience and boundless love for me and the souls you have suffered with and offered your headaches all week long, but especially last night which I made extremely strong, because I needed to save more souls.
You saved 138,028 souls and achieved for your father Carlos Thaddeus, for whom you offered those stabbing pains, 279 blessings and graces from my Heart.
Rejoice, my little martyr, because your martyrdom is not in vain and many souls will ascend to Heaven thanks to your offering of life, your offering of love.
I bless you and all my children here, especially my little daughter Philismine, I give her today special blessings from my Heart.
And to all I cover with my graces: from Fatima, Pellevoisin, Lourdes and Jacareí.
(Marcos): "Yes I will, Mama, I will.
(Marcos): "Yes, I will, Mother.
I will also do it, Mãezinha.
I will hold out as long as I can, as long as I can.
Yes, I will.
I am ready for anything, take me or leave me the will of the Lady is what matters.
See you soon, Mama".