Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Look at Me, to Be Encouraged and Animated in These Times of Great Tribulation!

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
Yes, Mama, I will.
Yes, I will."
(Mary Most Holy): "Dear children, today I call you again to look to Heaven.
The Mystery of my Assumption into Heaven in body and soul is a clarification of faith and a call to all of you to raise your eyes from earth to heaven!
Look to Heaven! I said this so many times here in my apparitions when I gave the sign of the Sun, so many times I said it to my little son Marcos.
Yes, look to Heaven, to me, the Heavenly Mother, who is crowned at the right hand of the King and on his throne of glory rules Heaven and Earth with him!
Look at me, to be encouraged and animated in these times of great tribulation!
Look at me, to gain strength, encouragement, hope and joy!
Look to me, so that the light of my Glorious Body and my crown as Queen of Heaven and Earth may increase your faith that I can do everything together with my son.
I am Lady of his Heart, he loves me and can't deny me anything, I reign over my son's heart and for my love he will convert sinners and transform all humanity.
Look to Heaven and never take your eyes off my immaculate light if you don't want to become discouraged and fall in the middle of the way.
Look to Heaven, to my immaculate light, and then you will gain in your souls the brightness of my own light, the reflection of my own light, and with this light you will always walk illuminated by God's grace and my flame of love.
And then, truly, you will reach the heavenly homeland that is the purpose of your creation and that of all mankind.
Look to Heaven, to my Glorious Body and you will never lose hope in the victory of the Lord and my Immaculate Heart.
Hell declared war on me when I was on earth, persecuted me in every way: through Herod, through the Pharisees, who hated not only my son, but also me, and then by a thousand and other means.
In the temple when I was there through my companions, in Nazareth and in Egypt through my neighbors, in Ephesus and in other places where I passed through other people.
But I triumphed through the power of my faith, my prayer, my love and my strength. Looking at the light of my Glorious Body I will give you these virtues.
And with the light that emanates from my Glorious Body you will have strength, faith, fortitude, love and so you will endure and triumph over all tribulations, trials and difficulties.
Pray my Rosary every day, and then I will give you the grace to always feel in your souls the emanation of the light of my Glorious Body, that is, my flame of love.
And then you will see the light, the truth, and you will recognize that in the world you will never have peace of heart, because the world cannot give it. Only God and I can give you this peace and only in us will you finally find definitive peace in God's love.
Pray my Rosary every day, because the devotees of my Rosary in Heaven enjoy the grace of dwelling and of being much closer to my Glorious Body and to them are revealed the secrets, the mysteries of my Assumption to Heaven that are not shown and revealed to those who were not so devoted to my Rosary.
Pray my Rosary with love, pray the Rosary of Tears with love.
Give to my children, too, 4 of these wonderful films that my son made of my Apparitions in Lourdes. Above all, today's Lourdes nº 6, and also give my children 5 of the records of my son Jesus' messages to my little daughter Consolata Betrone.
I wish that my children all over the world may know the goodness, the love of Jesus and my Heart.
How much we love souls! How much we want to save them! And the more fragile my children are, the more we love them and the more we want to help them.
So souls will feel my love and the love of Jesus and the need also to love us and to respond to our love with the docility and trust of the little ones I love the most!
I bless you all with love now, especially my little children: Maria Vilas, Teresa and Luis Miguel. Thank you so much for bringing my image and the image of my son Jesus, of our two United Hearts.
Through them we will realize great graces of love here and all these graces that souls receive, every good that is given to them and every fruit that they give also from these graces, the merit will also be from you as well as from my little son Marcos who wished to bring them here.
Thank you! You have given my son Jesus, me and the souls of this place and the whole world a service of immense value!
And all the degrees of love, of perfection, that souls ascend here as they contemplate and pray before our two United Hearts, the merit will be equally distributed to you and you will become beautiful gold coins with which you will acquire your entrance into Paradise.
I thank you, because all the thorns that are taken from my Heart and from the Heart of my son Jesus, with so many prayers of displeasure, reparation and love that will be made here before our two Hearts, you, my children, will have a part in this and I will pour out upon you the copious graces of my Heart.
I now bless you all with love: from Lourdes, from Pontmain and from Jacareí.
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries and holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with me the great graces of the Lord.
I once again bless you all to be happy.
And especially to you, my little son Marcos. Thank you for the sacrifice of your headache tonight. With him we saved 112,218 souls.
And with the sacrifices offered by your father Carlos Thaddeus, you have achieved for him 85 new blessings.
Rejoice, my son! Rejoice, because with your help, with your sacrifice many souls are being touched by grace especially at the hour of death, they are escaping from Hell. And truly, after a brief period of purification in Purgatory, they can finally reach Heaven.
Rejoice! Because Heaven is shining with many new stars sent there by their sacrifice of love.
I bless you and everyone again and I leave peace".