Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and of Saint Aldegonda to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
Less talk, more prayer! Less pastime, more prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, I am the reconciler of sinners. I came to La Salette to call the whole world to conversion and reconciliation with the Lord. Today I come again to tell you:
This is my second and new La Salette!
Here I come to reconcile all my children, all men, with God and to give them all the opportunity to recover the grace lost for their sins, again, to lead them to salvation and peace.
I am the reconciler of sinners and here in my new La Salette, I come to give everyone a new chance of salvation offered by the Lord.
Oh my children, reflect and think that old age, that the hour of death, that agony will come to you all! And what remorse, and what terror you will feel at that hour when you see that you have thrown away the greatest grace, the greatest chance that the Lord has given you, that I have given you, that is my apparition here, the grace of conversion.
So don't throw away, little children, this great grace, but grab this grace, this chance that the Lord and I are giving you here of salvation. And rather lose everything than lose this grace, this immense grace and chance that we give you here for mercy and excessive love of our Hearts!
I am the reconciler of sinners and here in my second and new La Salette, I come with all the love of my heart to offer you the grace, the reconciliation with the Lord, his mercy and lead you along the path of prayer, sacrifice, penance, holiness that will take you all to Heaven and to the Lord.
I am the reconciler of sinners, so I ask you, little children, to give your 'yes' to me and then, I will take your hands, I will guide you along the road of fulfilling God's will and his plan of love. And then, in your lives, God's plan will definitely come true, the plan of love, the same plan that I realized in the lives of my little daughter Bernadette and my little shepherds of La Salette who said 'yes' to me with all their love and heart.
And then, truly I will triumph in your lives and with me the Lord will also triumph.
Pray my Rosary every day! The Secret of La Salette will continue to be realized on your part and at each stage the tribulations and sufferings will increase for you. And what will become of you, my children, if you do not pray the Rosary so that I can give you the strength, the courage, the tenacity to persevere to the end and to arrive victorious in the triumph of my Heart?
Now is the time to pray the Rosary more than ever and everywhere. Less talk, more prayer! Less pastime, more prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray without ceasing, because whoever prays will persevere, whoever does not pray will be condemned!
With the Rosary, I will be able to give great graces and victories to you even in the midst of the great tribulations, and then you will have the wings of the eagle to fly very fast and very high over all the difficult situations. And then you will triumph and, through you, I will make my grace triumph also in the lives of so many of my children.
Pray the Third of my tears! No one has ever condemned someone who has prayed the Rosary of my Tears.
Pray the Rosary of Peace, because no pilgrim who has come here and prayed the Rosary of Peace every day has ever been condemned. At the hour of death I visited them with my maternal peace, my protection and all the graces necessary for their salvation.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Be faithful to your promises and purposes to me and I will also be faithful to you in my promises at the hour of death.
Promote my Appearance in La Salette, Promote the films of my Appearance in La Salette that my little son Marcos made.
Oh yes! He drew many swords of pain that had been stuck in my Heart for centuries, that this my Apparition was hidden and buried under the denial, the incredulity, the distrust, the contempt and the forgetfulness of the evil men of those times.
And thanks to these films that my little son Marcos made, my painful message of love was made known to so many children who truly decided to dry my tears, dedicating themselves to being consoling souls, repairing my Heart and dedicating their lives to loving me, comforting me, serving me and becoming more known and loved.
For this reason, I wish that you, my children, give 7 films of my Appearance in La Salette: 7 of the number 1, 7 of the number 2 and 7 of La Salette number 3 for my children who do not know me.
And let them give urgently, because many of them do not know until today that I appeared crying in La Salette and continue on the path of perdition, of detachment from God and his love.
I want to reach these children of mine with my love and make them feel all my pain and my love. Help me! Take me to them and the rest my maternal grace will do, my flame of love will do. I count on you!
Give them also 4 Meditated Rosaries No. 259, so that my children know the messages that are recorded there and thus give their 'yes' to me and give me their lives with love.
My son Marcos said it very well: My apparition at La Salette is the explosion of my pain and my mercy.
Go, my children, proclaim the truth of the mountain, the mountain of La Salette. Go and announce to all my children my pain and my love, so that they will then love me, give me their 'yes', give themselves completely to me and thus the light, the truth of the mountain of La Salette will triumph and the infernal empire will be overthrown in the hearts of the whole world.
To all I bless with love now: from Lourdes, La Salette and Jacareí.
Peace, my children, I give to all the promoters of my Appearance of La Salette, of the films that my little son Marcos made, I give to all today, the promoters of La Salette, a particular and special blessing from my Heart.
I also bless you, my little son Marcos, knight of La Salette, defender and warrior of La Salette!
Thank you for the movies you made of my Appearance, little son! You took so many swords of pain nailed in my heart, I already showed you years ago and I tell you again:
You have consoled my heart immensely like no one else has. I went to many chosen and privileged souls to defend La Salette, to bring her out of oblivion, to spread my Secret as soon as possible to alert my children and call them to urgent conversion.
But even privileged souls told me 'no'. Out of cowardice, out of human respect, out of fear of the cross, out of suffering, out of persecution or even out of lukewarmness and indifference.
But not you! You obeyed me, you did everything I told you, you did everything to make La Salette known and loved, as well as all my Apparitions.
I could truly trust you and I was not disappointed. So today, I bless you with all my love and as many souls as I continue to convert with these La Salette movies, and they are already many, many who have been converted until today, and the more they continue to be converted, the more crowns of glory I will put on your head. And because of the merits you have, only you have for having made these films, I give you today, my little son, 432 special graces.
And for your father Carlos Thaddeus for whom you asked all day to pour graces on him from the merits of these movies you made, I now pour 49,705 special graces from my heart that he will receive throughout his life.
Thank you, little son, you are the only one who cares about my Apparitions, the only one who truly loves my Apparitions, my seers, my shrines and in whom I can trust so that all this will be defended, divulged and truly made known to my children to convert them and save them.
Mama is proud of you! Thank you! I bless you, my son, with all my love.
And I bless you too, little son Carlos Tadeu. Always contemplate the sign of the ray of light that I gave down on your son in 1994. The more you look and contemplate this sign, the more you will understand the size of the grace and good that I gave you. The more and more you will understand that I gave you the best of the best, because not even in many of my most holy children who have trodden the face of the earth have I manifested such a great sign.
To you, therefore, I gave the best of the best. Always prefer the best of the best and all the more of joy, blessings and graces you will receive and feel in your soul.
I bless you with all my love, the joy of my Heart, Carlos Thaddeus of Mary, and I, Mary of Carlos Thaddeus, now cover you with my mantle".
(Marcos): "Oh, beautiful princess of Heaven, who are you?
( Saint Aldegonda): "Marcos, Marcos de Maria, Marcos do Céu, Marcos mine, I am Aldegonda. I love you, I protect you and bless you today with all my heart.
I also bless everyone who is here. I love you! I have been protecting you and praying for you all for a long time.
You don't know me, dear Marcos. I am one of the princesses of Heaven, a servant of God and the Mother of God who loved them very much here on earth and who left everything to serve them, love them and give them glory.
Oh yes! I despised the world for Heaven and I do not repent, because today I am in glorified Heaven and I enjoy all the joy, all the happiness, all the eternal peace and the rich and unspeakable, inexplicable treasures that the Lord prepares for his servants in Heaven.
I come today to tell all of you that you must be the new shepherds of La Salette, shepherds of the Mother of God's love, comforters of the Mother of God.
Be the little shepherds of the Mother of God's love, praying the Rosary every day and also all the prayers she has given you here.
Be the little shepherds of the Mother of God's love, giving your 'yes' to her and dedicating your lives to love her, to make her better known, loved, served by all, so that her Immaculate Heart may triumph throughout the world.
Be the little shepherds of the Mother of God's love, renouncing your will and doing her will, only hers.
Be the little shepherds of the Mother of God's love, despising the world and preferring Heaven and doing the opposite of what the world does, this evil and wicked world exchanges Jesus and Mary for the world. You must exchange the world for Jesus and Mary and put them first in your hearts.
Then they will also put you first in their hearts and their plan and love will come true in you and then you and they will be one heart in the flame of love!
Be the loving shepherds of the Mother of God by giving your 'yes' to them so that then Jesus and Mary can carry out their plan of love in you. Until you give your full 'yes' and renounce your will, their plan of love will not be realized and the souls who depended on the realization of this plan will be lost and you will be held accountable before the throne of the Lord.
So take care, my brothers, that you yourselves do not bring down the house of your salvation by ruining everything with your bad will, with the rebellion and hardness of your hearts.
Be the little shepherds of love giving the 'yes' of love to the eternal love that has chosen you.
Be the little shepherds of love of the Mother of God, preferring her, she who chose you. Choosing her, she who chose you and she who consecrated and dedicated her entire life to you. Consecrate your lives totally to her and then love will be satisfied with the love she desires and finally you will be one in the flame of love with her and with the Lord.
I, Aldegonda, promise to pray for all those who turn to me with confidence, those who ask me for help to help them grow in true love for the Lord and the Mother of God and grow in holiness, to those I will help.
To those who do not turn to me I will not be able to help, because the condition of grace is prayer. So turn to me and I will help you.
Always pray this little act of love that I prayed all my life on earth:
' Jesus, Mary, I give you my heart now and forever. Amen.'
With this act of surrender and love, the flame of love will grow in you and the influence of Satan's temptation will diminish. Run away from the world and close your eyes and ears to all that the world and the devil offers you.
Seek recollection, prayer, silence, meditation and then you will truly make a wall around the city of your soul and the enemy will not be able to invade it.
I, Aldegonda, with Hildegarda protect in a special way the pilgrims of this Shrine and every 17th of every month I will come from Heaven during the Hour of Peace with Hildegarda to bless all of you who love here, obey the Mother of God and are my true brothers.
To all I bless with love and say: Pray the Rosary every day, because never, never has Hell boasted of having in its flames a true devotee of the most holy Rosary.
To all I bless, embrace with love, and leave my peace!"
(Marcos): "Yes, Mama. Yes, I will.
Yes, I will. Yes, I will, my love, my Mother.
Yes, I will. Yes, I will.
See you soon."
Video of the Cenacle, Apparition and Message: