Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace to the Seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
I Came Here to Heal the World, to Heal Society, Families, Souls and Nations

(Marcos): May Jesus, Mary and Joseph be praised forever!
Yes, Mama. Yes.
Yes, I will.
Yes, Mama, I will. Yes.
Yes, I will, Mama. Yes, I will.
Yes, I will, Mama. I will do two more, I will do it."
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I am the reconciler of sinners.
At La Salette I came to call all my children back to reconciliation with God and today I ask again: be reconciled to God through a pure and true conversion. Give your 'yes' to the Lord.
Forget, my children, all the evil you have done in the past, all your past without God, all your faults.
Forget even those of now and give yourselves totally to God, so that truly his mercy that I have come to bring here may enter into your lives and hearts and transform you completely.
I came here to heal the world, to heal society, families, souls and nations with mercy from on high. My presence here is the greatest mercy of the Lord for you and for the world.
Therefore, listen to my calls and live my messages.
Be converted, pray the Rosary, because divine mercy has never abandoned a soul who has confidently recommended himself to me for the Rosary.
To the devotees of my Rosary, the merciful Heart of my son Jesus gives everything.
Promote the films my little son Marcos made of my apparition at La Salette, which are truly exquisite works, not only of art, but of love for me.
Oh, how they took painful swords from my Heart!
You must make these films known as soon as possible to all my children, because the triumph of my Heart and the salvation of souls depend on them.
The hellish empire will be overthrown by these three films by my son Marcos.
I bless you all with love: from La Salette, Lourdes and Jacareí.
(Marcos): "I will. I will, Mamezinha."
(Mary Most Holy): "As I have already said, wherever one of these rosaries arrives I will be alive with my little shepherds Maximino, Melania and also Benedita, Benoit Rencurel carrying the great graces of the Lord.
I bless you all with love once again, so that you may be happy, and to all I leave peace.
I especially bless you, little son Marcos. Thank you for the sacrifice you made this week enduring with so much patience the great pain in your left eye, especially while he was shedding blood.
That sacrifice you offered with so much love saved many souls. It saved 428,178 souls. And by offering for your father Carlos Thaddeus, you achieved for him, with the merits of that sacrifice, 112,328 graces, which he will receive over the years especially on the first Thursday of every month.
Rejoice, little son, because in this way I make a rain of mercy and grace descend abundantly on so many souls in need. And so, with me, you too become a hunter of souls and a reconciler of souls with God.
Forward! These three La Salette movies that you made besides giving me infinite joy, have also given you great merits, with which you can acquire graces and even salvation for whoever you want.
Offer always, therefore, and work hard so that all my children may have them, because the more they have been seen and the more souls they are touched and converted, the more your merits in Heaven will also increase.
And so, more souls will be saved and much more thanks you will acquire for yourself and for others.
Forward, my knight! Forward always with the sword of love in your hand. And continue offering your life in sacrifice for those souls who would be lost without you.
Peace, see you soon."
(09.20.2020 | Apparition and Message of Our Lady | Anniversary Celebration of the Apparition of La Salette)