Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, June 14, 2021
Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
You took away the greatest sword that made my heart bleed the most!

Message from Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"My dear son Marcos, I come again to tell you:
I love you! I love you so much that my Immaculate Heart can even perform madnesses of love for you. I will never tire of saying: I have waited for you! I have waited for 150 years since my apparition at La Salette(1), so that you could be born, grow up and take this apparition of mine out of the total oblivion and contempt of men.
Yes, as I have told you so many times in private, I tell you again now: I have waited for you for 150 years, so that finally one of the prophecies I gave to my little son Maximino could come true: the Apparition at La Salette, the secret, would become known to all my children.
Yes, and it was you who took away the greatest sword of pain that had been stuck in my heart for centuries, which was, precisely, the sword that was stuck by denial, forgetfulness and contempt for my Apparition and the Secret of La Salette. You took away the greatest sword that made my heart bleed the most!
Yes, you took it away with the three wonderful videos you made of this apparition of mine.
You did something that no one has ever done to comfort my Immaculate Heart and dry my tears shed on the high mountain of La Salette.
So, my son, be happy, because great will be your reward in Heaven, and also great is the meritorious value of these holy works that you have done, these three videos of my Apparition of La Salette. Great is their value before my Son Jesus and also before my heart.
Because of these videos that you made of my apparitions at La Salette, eight great chastisements that should have fallen upon the world in the 2000s, were not, were not sent to the world.... They did not fall, they were cancelled thanks to the merits of those good works of yours that you offered to me and I in turn offered to the Father placating his righteous anger against the sins of the world.
Rejoice and don't let anyone ever steal your joy, take away your happiness, your peace, because this legacy, your legacy that you will leave to humanity that are these so beautiful films of my apparitions, will continue for future generations touching the hearts of my children and showing them always the path they must follow: that of prayer, of conversion, of despising the world and its easy pleasures, and the path of holiness.
Yes, these films that you made of all my apparitions, but especially of La Salette that I asked you to take from oblivion, from the contempt of mankind, and to spread to the world with special solicitude, were the greatest consolation that I have ever received from a son of mine on earth.
So, my son, rejoice! Rejoice in your heart and let no one take away your happiness. Every soul that despises these movies, the meditated Rosaries(2), the taught rosaries(3) and hours of prayer that you have made, and turns away from me, actually does so because it doesn't have a good character, doesn't have a good soul, and not because these things that you have done don't have enough beauty, enough grace to touch people's hearts.
The souls that despise all these things are reprobates, and you must not let them put you down. Fix your eyes and your heart on this unalterable, unchanging truth: You have done for me deeds of love that no one else has done! That is why I love you so much, I prefer you and you are my beloved child, and through you, even more will I manifest to the world my glory, my goodness, my love through your works of love. And then, everyone will see my power, everyone will come to me, everyone will give me their hearts and proclaim me Queen, Lady and Mediatrix of all mankind, the Co-redemptrix of the whole world and then my Immaculate Heart will triumph and I will bless the world with peace.
Continue, continue giving all my children these films, these works of love that you have done, and engrave in your heart this immutable sentence of love: just as you have forgotten yourself, forgotten your interests, your personal desires, and have dedicated yourself totally only to bringing my apparitions out of oblivion and making them known to the world, just as you have preferred me, I also prefer you. And just as you dedicated yourself to me, I dedicate myself entirely to loving you, blessing you, protecting you, and keeping you.
Yes, while everyone was seeking only their personal interests and their comfortable pleasures, you were consumed day after day, working only for me, only to bring my apparitions out of oblivion and make them known to the world through the rosaries, the thaught rosaries, the hours of prayer, the movies you made, living only by me and for me.
I will also live only for you and by you!
I bless you and I bless all my children. Pray the Rosary every day. Stop right now, immediately, all the vices you have, stop right now all the sins you seek. Convert yourselves and return to God through prayer, through a change of life, through a change of heart!
I bless you all, and especially you, my son Carlos Tadeu.
I have given you as a son the soul that for 150 years I have waited for you to take my apparition and my Secret of La Salette out of oblivion and contempt and make it known to the whole world.
I have given you a son who was already prophesied in the secret I gave Maximino and who would make my Apparition at La Salette known and loved as never before and would dry my tears, finally removing the swords of pain from my heart.
Love the son I have given you and help him with your love, with your fatherly love. Unite yourself more and more with him in intimacy, in holy complicity, in the total fusion of your heart, your thoughts, your desires with him, so that in this way you and he can fulfill the decisive parts of my maternal plan that depend on the two of you working together, and in this way, my son, through him too, the more you will understand the mysteries of my apparition at La Salette and you too will become as it were the echo and extension of my message of La Salette in the world.
I bless you all with love: from La Salette, from Lourdes and from Jacareí.
Peace, my son Marcos, go forward! Make my Apparition of La Salette even better known by giving the films you made to all my children so that they will know me, love me, dry my tears, and finally give me the yes that I have been waiting almost 200 years for them to give to me. And never let anything or anyone steal your joy, because you are my third Shepherd of La Salette. In you I put all my trust and all my hope that my apparition of La Salette would finally be made known to all my children through you, through your voice, through your hands and you have not disappointed me! Go ahead, my son, extend all this to all my children as soon as possible, before the time is up.
Get my apparition at La Salette with my secret to them, so that my children become aware of the gravity of the times you are living in, the times of my secret, and convert before it is too late for them.
Onward, my third Little Shepherd of La Salette, in you I trust, in you rests all the confidence of my heart. Peace!"
Video link: