Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, August 6, 2021
Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus
I came here to create my army of souls of unceasing flames of love

(Marcos): "Praise be to Jesus, Mary and Joseph forever!
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, I know you are tired! I will stay only a few minutes.
My dear son Marcos, rest! I need you very much tomorrow, I need all of you tomorrow. I need you, my beloved son Carlos Tadeu. Rest!
I love you. I chose you, I called you! You are precious to me. Today, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of my Son Jesus, I invite you also to be transfigured in Him and for Him, for the glory of the Father.
Be transfigured by living the life of holiness!
Be transfigured by renouncing all worldly things and living in the love and grace of God!
Transfigure yourselves, renouncing every day your own will, and fulfilling the will of my Son and mine!
Transfigure yourselves by living a life of total love for God!
Yes, if you seek and love God with all the strength of your hearts, you will be transfigured and become reflections, living copies of the Heart of my Son Jesus.
What He wants is only Love! True Love for Him comes from a heart that is pure and completely emptied of itself, a heart that is poor in earthly desires.
Only in this heart can true Love for my Son Jesus enter and exist and grow. He only seeks Love, He only wants Love! If you live in perfect Love for Him, then He will come to live in you, and you will be transfigured into the very likeness of my Son Jesus.
Be like him, therefore, in Love, so that you will also be like Him in beauty and in glory.
The world can only be saved through the beauty of the Love of my Son Jesus. Therefore, have in your hearts this beauty of Love, loving my Son Jesus with all the strength of your hearts.
To love my Son Jesus, it is enough to have in your heart the true desire to please Him, to serve Him, and to have no other Love than His, than Him in your hearts.
So say at all times:
If you repeat this act of Love, the flame of true Love for Jesus will grow in your hearts.
I have come here to create my army of "Souls of unceasing Flames of Love", who following the example of my little son Marcos, my flame of love, my ray of light, will live only of love for Jesus, live only of love for me, and thus set the whole world on fire with this true flame of love.
Yes, and here there will be in the future so many, so many souls with unceasing flames of love. So, my son Marcos, don't ever be discouraged. Go forward! Your example will one day make this whole place and this country, and even the world, become a great, unceasing furnace of love.
Yes, you will cause a great flame of love for my Son Jesus to rise from the earth. Yes, how many saints will live in this burning love and will ascend to Heaven in this burning love, in this flame of love. Yes, how many, how many souls!
And when this flame of pure love touches Heaven, then my Son will come and set up His kingdom of love over the whole earth, raining down a great shower of fire from His Holy Spirit. Then the whole earth will be transformed into the Kingdom of Love.
Yes, go ahead, my son Marcos, keep teaching the souls to be unceasing flames of love. Among them, as well as the little souls, among them will be many men, many unceasing flames of love among them.
So, keep going! Keep burning the souls of this flame of love, and then the miracle of the Second Pentecost will finally happen and the face of the earth will be renewed by these souls that will so console the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Heart!
Keep praying my Rosary every day!
Tomorrow I will come with my Son Jesus and also with the Angel Mariel to give the message to you, my dear son Carlos Tadeu.
Thank you for coming and taking the thorns out of my Heart.
Thank you also, my dear son Deibson, for coming to console my Immaculate Heart. I am very happy for your presence here!
And to you, my son Carlos Tadeu, I bless you generously today. Thank you for coming to give joy not only to my Heart, but also to the heart of my ray of light, of the son I have given you. Take advantage of these days to grow in intimacy, in love, in the mystical union that I desire ever greater between you. So that then, nothing... nothing can disunite you, and so my plan of love comes to pass.
You too are destined to be a soul incessant flame of love. And the more you unite with my ray of light, my unceasing flame of love, the more that flame you will be. And then you will radiate this flame to everyone and transform everyone into a soul burning flame of love.
I bless everyone with love now: from Lourdes, from Paray-Le-Monial and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "See you soon, Mother!"