Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of January 8 to 21, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter speaks of how I love you and how you should love Me as well. You need to love one another or you cannot be My disciple. I am your Creator and your Savior. It is the Holy Spirit who gives life to your soul. In the Gospel I dismissed the crowd that I fed and the apostles went into the boat to row to Bethsaida. A storm arose and they had difficulty rowing because the wind was against them. I then went to them walking on the water after some time in prayer. They thought I was a ghost, but I assured them that it was I and not to be afraid. I got into the boat and I calmed the sea. After these miracles, they truly realized that I AM God’s Son.”
Jesus said: “My people, you see people suffering from snow and ice storms in your Mid West that is causing power outages to many homes. You also are experiencing many fires in California from high winds of up to 100mph. Some of these natural disasters can be considered punishments for your sins of abortion and other sexual sins. You also are seeing more drug problems with fentanyl killing some young people. You have Trump coming into the White House in a week or so, and he could help with your borders and the illegal immigrants. Pray for America, and especially for those people who are dying in your fires.”
Thursday, January 9, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, St. John’s letter calls you to obey My Commandments in loving Me and loving your neighbor. If you do not love your brother, then you cannot love Me either. So look to Me for strength in your soul to avoid sin, and you will have your reward with Me. In the Gospel I went to the synagogue in Nazareth and I read a Scripture from Isaiah. (Luke 4:18,19) ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me; to bring good news to the poor He has sent me, to proclaim to the captives release, and sight to the blind; to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of recompense.’ I sat down and I told the people: ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.’ I was telling the people that I was sent by My Father, but they did not believe because they saw Me only as Joseph’s son.”
(Mass intention for Jackie O’Grady) Jesus said: “My people, pray for Jackie’s soul because she will be in purgatory for a short time.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people marveled at the genius of Mozart’s music, even at a young age. His music lived beyond his years of life, as many still play it. My son, I have shown you the beauty and perfection of everything in heaven. The music of heaven is even more beautiful than any of your composers, and it is echoed by My great number of angels. It is the different frequencies of light that transmit heaven’s music all over. So even now when you hear earthly music, you are lifted up in your spirit. When you are in heaven, your spirit will be lifted up to praise Me constantly as My angels do.”
Friday, January 10, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much and I offer all of My believers eternal life with Me in heaven. I came on the earth as My Father’s only Begotten Son. I came so I could offer My life on the cross to bring you salvation from your sins for all who believe in Me. In the Gospel you saw Me heal a leper who pleaded with Me to heal him. I so willed it, and he was healed. I offer My healing of body and soul to My believers. You are all beautiful souls of My creation, and I call you to follow Me through all the trials of your human experience. I call you to love Me and to love all of your neighbors as yourself. By repenting of your sins and accepting Me as your Savior, you will have eternal life with Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a great amount of fire damage in California because of a lot of mismanagement of their water storage and a lack of work on the forest brush. It was difficult to deal with high winds, but your leaders should have had more water and fire fighters to deal with this disaster. In the South people are dealing with ice storms and power outages that rarely happen there. My son, you went through an ice storm in 1991, so you know it is hard to get heat, food, and water without electricity. My refuges are prepared for such weather, but others are having struggles without much preparations. You can see why I have advised My people to prepare refuges, because they can provide for your needs in times of disasters. Pray for My help in your disasters, and pray for those who lost loved ones and their homes.”
Saturday, January 11, 2025: (Anniversary of David John’s death)
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious natural disasters, and you will see more as well. It is being discovered that a good share of these fires were set by arson, and the wind made it worse. Pray for the people who lost their lives, and many who lost their homes.”
David John, my son, said: “My dear family, Mary and I are in heaven and we know how you desire to be here with Jesus. But you have two missions: to share your messages, and to help with your refuge through the coming tribulation. This year will have some trying events. You will need to have your refuge ready when the Lord will call people to come to the refuges after the Warning. Say hello to our sisters: Jeanette, Donna, and Catherine. We thank you for remembering us.”
Jesus said: “My people, losing your home to fire, as in California, would be a catastrophe for most people. Some rich people have a second home they would live in. Other average people may have to live with relatives or neighbors. Only some people have fire insurance, so they may receive some start up money. Some people may have enough investments to buy another house. These are the difficulties that many people are faced with after fire has destroyed their house. Pray for these people so they can find a place to live.”
Sunday, January 12, 2025: (Baptism of the Lord)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating My Baptism by St. John the Baptist in the Jordan River. In the Gospel (Luke 3:21-22) you have the Blessed Trinity all present at once. You have Me being baptized, and the Dove coming over Me in the Holy Spirit. Then you have God the Father proclaiming: ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ My Baptism is proclaimed in all four Gospels and it is this sacrament that you share with the priest over all of your children and yourselves. You all inherit Adam’s original sin, so by Baptism you are forgiven this sin, and you are now joined in faith with My followers. You are made priest, prophet, and king at your Baptism.”
Monday, January 13, 2025: (St. Hillary)
Jesus said: “My people, you are back to ordinary time with the green vestments for the priest. You are in a new Church Year and it starts out with Me calling My first apostles. They left their boats at once and followed Me as My new students of My teachings. I also call My believers to follow Me in all of My Gospel teachings. I call My faithful to love Me and their neighbors according to My Commandments. By repenting of your sins in Confession, and praying your daily prayers, you will be ready when I will call you home to Me at your death and your judgment. So stay awake and be ready when I will come again.”
Jesus said: “My people, after St. John the Baptist baptized Me and I was leaving, he called out that I AM the Lamb of God. He noted that I AM the Christ, the One Whom he was preparing My way, and the One he was not worthy to unfasten My sandals. Later, he commented that St. John must decrease, while I must increase.”
(Adrienne Frank’s Mass intention) I could see a bright Light coming through a window in a church near the ceiling. This was a sign to me that she is now in heaven. Adrienne said: “I am grateful to be released from purgatory with this Mass, and I am happy to be in heaven with Jesus. I thank all of you who were praying for my soul and having Masses offered up for me.”
Tuesday, January 14, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, I have made you in My image and you are wonderfully made in the womb of your mother. So I came into this world through My Blessed Mother as a God-man. I AM fully human and fully the Son of God at the same time. I came so I could offer up My life on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who accept Me in faith. In the Gospel (Luke 5:31-37) I was teaching in a synagogue in Galilee and a demon in a man shouted out: ’What have we to do with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee, who thou art, the Holy One of God.’ I rebuked him saying, ‘Hold thy peace, and go out of him.’ The devil threw the man down and left him. The people were amazed at the authority of My power that I could command demons to leave. This miracle went out to many places. You can be healed of demons also by My power in Confession and by exorcisms.”
Jesus said: “My people, I intend to expand all of My refuges with My angels building big enough places so I could protect all of My believers from the evil ones. I have told you that before the Antichrist could take over the world, I will bring My Warning to give everyone a chance to love Me and be saved. This choice will be made during the six weeks of the Conversion time. I will also allow My angels to expand My refuges before the Antichrist is allowed to have his reign. The tribulation time will be shortened for the sake of My elect. Once the good people are separated from the evil ones, then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth. The evil people will be killed and they will be cast into hell, just like the evil people in Noah’s time were killed by the flood. Once the earth is cleansed of all evil, I will raise My believers up in the air because I will protect them from the comet. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring you all back down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time eating from My trees of life. Once you die, you will be like saints as you come to heaven. On the last day you will be resurrected with a glorified body that will join your soul, and you will be happy with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Wednesday, January 15, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I took pity on St. Peter’s mother-in-law and I healed her fever. She then got up and served us. I healed more people who came to the door that night. In the morning I went off to pray and gather My strength with God the Father. I then proceeded to the other villages of Galilee where I preached in their synagogues and I healed the sick. Even today, I will heal those people who call on Me in faith. For healing, you need to believe that I can heal you, and I will help you. My people can also spread My Gospel message of love and they can share My healing gifts. Remember to keep a prayerful life so you can be recharged with My graces.”
Jesus said: “My people, the three fires in California were all started at the same time which is another sign that they were started by arson. A historic amount of damage has occurred because of a lot of mismanagement and empty reservoirs so there was no water in the fire hydrants to put out the fires. There also have been continuous ice storms causing power outages in the South. Biden has tried to shut down oil permits along your Eastern shores, and he also was behind the lawfare attacks on Trump. Keep praying for Trump’s safety and call on Me and My angels to protect him from any more assassination attempts.”
Thursday, January 16, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, a leper came up to Me and said: ‘If you wish, you can cleanse My leprosy.’ I said: ‘I do will it, be made clean.’ I warned him to be quiet about his healing and go show himself to the priest, but he spread the news of his healing so much that it was difficult for Me to openly come into a town. There was another time when I healed ten lepers, but only a Samaritan returned to thank Me for My healing him. This is true for all healings, that you should remember to thank Me for all that I do for each of you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, in Germany you heard of the Holocaust that killed millions of Jews and priests. When your troops came into the death camps, they stopped the killing and people said; ‘Never again should this happen.’ Yet today, you are seeing a million babies being aborted every year in America. This is why you are praying at the Planned Parenthood building to help save the babies from being killed. Pray to stop abortion in America.”
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when I will bring My Warning when evil will be so great that I will have to intervene. Every soul will be given an opportunity to see their whole life review and understand how they need to change their lives to follow Me. You will experience the judgment that you will be given and have a taste of your destination. After the Warning you will be able to help encourage souls to be saved during the six weeks of the Conversion time. You will be called to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, your open borders have allowed many criminals to cross your border, and they are causing many crimes in your streets. Your new President will write many Executive Orders to close your borders and cause asylum seekers to remain in Mexico. He will use whatever forces are available to stop the trafficking of young children and women by the drug cartels. Many criminals will be deported who are killing your people and are going free from jail. Trump will change many difficulties.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Senate is in the process of confirming Trump’s picks for his
Cabinet. He is choosing younger people, and the Republicans have a six vote majority in the Senate. If they can vote together, they will be able to confirm all of Trump’s candidates. With the right people Trump will be able to get his agenda started to make America great again.”
Jesus said: “My people, a cease fire in Gaza with a hostage exchange would be a welcome result after many people have been killed in this war in Gaza. Hamas has agreed to a cease fire and Israel is voting on it. This war could be halted for a time, but it could start up again at any time. Pray for an enduring peace between Hamas and Israel.”
Jesus said: “My people, the many fires are continuing in California due to a lack of water and enough fire fighters and equipment. Some of the fires are being partly contained, but the winds are still spreading the embers. Many structures have been destroyed and a fair number of people have died from the fires. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones and for those who have lost their homes. Pray also that these people can find a place to stay and find food and other necessities.”
Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats and Biden have caused much destruction in your country with your open borders and inflated prices. It is time to stop the overspending by your liberal government. It will take a great effort over a period of time to restore your country to its previous position with Trump’s first term. Pray that Trump will be allowed to fix your borders and rid the criminals who are causing crimes in your streets. Pray for your people to come closer to Me, and keep praying to stop your abortions.”
Friday, January 17, 2025: (Funeral Mass for Robert Cutt, Jr.)
At Mother of Sorrows Church after Holy Communion, I could hear a low voice of Robert as he was in the casket. Robert said: “I am sorry I had to leave you all so soon, but the cancer caused my leaving. I thank everyone for coming to my funeral. I love Midge, Valerie, and Rob so much. I am in a safe place. I thank all of my fellow officers for their help. I will be watching over my family.”
Saturday, January 18, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, I called My apostles from many walks of life, and they left everything behind, and they followed Me immediately. I called Levi from his customs post, and he left a comfortable life behind and followed Me. That night I had supper with Matthew and his friends. Some Pharisees criticized Me for eating with tax collectors and sinners. I told them that the sick need a physician, but the self-righteous do not. I came to save sinners from their sins. So I came as a God-man so I could offer up My life on the cross to bring salvation to all those souls who believe in Me. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”
(Nocturnal Adoration) Jesus said: “My son, I know you love Me very much and you are happy to have Me Present before you. This service is beautiful that you can be with Me for your Holy Hour. I love you more and I AM satisfied to have all seven of you present before Me. It is unfortunate that more people do not come to this sharing of My Real Presence. Your people have many earthly distractions, but being in the Presence of your Savior is more important to your soul. When you spend time with Me, I AM preparing you for what your spiritual life will be like in heaven.”
Sunday, January 19, 2025: (Mass intention for Yolanda Pepe)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles, My Blessed Mother, and I were all invited to a wedding in Cana. You, My son, saw one of the rock containers that held water for the ceremonial washings. The wine ran out and My Blessed Mother urged Me to help the newly married couple. She told the servers: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ I had the servers fill six large jars with water, and then they took some to the head waiter. The water was changed to wine and the head waiter was surprised that the miraculous wine was better than the first wine. On seeing this miracle, My apostles started to believe in Me. You know I can do the impossible, and you have seen Me perform other miracles both then and now. Trust in Me to protect My people at My refuges.”
Yolanda Pepe Mass intention: Jesus said: “My people, Yolanda was grateful for the Mass for her soul. She was also thankful for the many years she came to your prayer group.”
Monday, January 20, 2025: (St. Sebastian, St. Fabian, Trump Pres)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you see Aaron and the priestly class of Levites who carried out the offering of the day. But I AM starting a new way where My suffering on the cross is the only Sacrifice needed to forgive your sins. You no longer need to sacrifice animals for the atonement of your sins. Now, My apostles and priests will carry on offering Mass as they are priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek. In the Gospel I told those people who questioned about My disciples not fasting, that they do not need to fast while the Bridegroom is still with them. When I am taken away, My disciples will fast. Lent will not start Ash Wednesday until the beginning of March, but already people are talking about fasting. Your new President will be sworn into office today, and he has promised to start with many Executive Orders to undo Biden’s open borders. Pray for Trump’s success to bring America back from all of the liberal disasters.”
Jesus said: “My people, Biden with his open borders for four years brought millions of illegal immigrants into your country that is destroying your infrastructure. The criminal immigrants are killing people and stealing from stores, and they have not been put in jail, especially in sanctuary cities. President Trump gave a good inaugural speech after he was sworn into office, and he followed up by signing many Executive Orders. He is closing the borders with no release of captured criminals. He wants workers to return to their offices instead of staying at home. He is working on more drilling for natural gas and oil to lower inflation. He took the United States back out of the Paris climate accords again, because countries like China are spewing out more pollution from all of their coal plants. Trump’s goal is to bring America back from the destruction by the Democrats over the last four years. Pray for Trump’s protection and that your Republican Congress can carry out Trump’s agenda to make America Great Again with My help.”
Tuesday, January 21, 2025: (St. Agnes, John Clark Mass intention)
Jesus said: “My people, you remember well on the ‘Chosen’ movie series how I healed the man of a withered hand in a synagogue, and then I told My apostles ‘You may’ in allowing them to eat the heads of grain on the Sabbath because they were hungry. I told those people, who criticized this action, that David and his men ate the grain that was only allowed to be eaten by the priests. I said to them: (Mark 2:27,28) ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.’ The Jewish law was not to do any kind of work on the Sabbath. It is also a Church law not to work on Sunday when possible. You are hungry each day, so it may be necessary to go to the grocery store to buy food, and people need to work at the store to sell the food to you. You can put off some work to the other week days to show your respect for My holy day on Sunday that commemorates My Resurrection. Pray for John Clark’s soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, your people in government are afraid that China could get ahead of the United States in AI research. Trump’s latest data center research will be working on new AI research. This is not some magic force that will make things better, but it can be abused to control people, and it will have its own power. It is this abuse that the Antichrist could use to control people. So do not take any chip in the body and avoid using any abusive AI devices. If these people cancel your money accounts with your digital dollar, then I will bring My Warning and call you to My refuges. Beware of the AI abuses so you are not controlled by the Antichrist.”
Source: ➥