Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of January 22 to 28, 2025

Wednesday, January 22, 2025: (Protection for the Unborn)
Jesus said: “My people, it is true that many babies are aborted in the womb in America. Your Supreme Court overturned Rowe vs. Wade, so it is up to the states to determine if they will prohibit abortions or not. Even early abortions are just as sinful as late term abortions. Life is precious, and when you abort a life, you are also stopping the plan I had for this life. This defiance of My plan is a serious sin against My Will. Even birth control is a serious sin because you are purposely preventing life to form in a marriage that is meant to have children. You have family planning to avoid fertile times, so do not use condoms or vasectomies to avoid having children. I gave you the ability to have children, so bring your pregnancies to full term. If you cannot take care of a child, then you can give the baby up for adoption, but do not kill My little ones. Pray for the stoppage of abortion.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusually cold weather of 0 degrees F in the morning with more snow than the last few years. You even had snow in New Orleans as the cold front moved quite South. This snow and ice has also caused some power outages which is hard to deal with in the cold of winter. You saw the HAARP machine affecting your hurricanes in the fall, and now this microwave machine is active again in causing your winter storms. Pray that your people can keep warm throughout this winter.”
Thursday, January 23, 2025: (St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My people, many people came to Me to be healed of their sickness and to cast out their demons. As long as they believed that I could heal them, their faith had healed them. Some demons cried out that I was the Holy One from God, but I kept them quiet so they did not reveal My Divinity. People came to Me from all of the surrounding towns and I was moved with pity for them, so I healed them. My apostles saw My healing miracles and they came to believe that I truly am the promised Messiah. Pray for the sick that they can be healed by faith also.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing drastic changes in your government as you change from Biden to Trump. Trump’s Executive Orders are closing your borders and you will see some new ways of doing business with fossil fuels restored. Trump has canceled your Green New Deal and he has stopped the mandate for electric cars. Many other changes will be made. Pray for the success of your new President and pray for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, Trump has pardoned the people who were in prison for four years because of January 6 at the Capitol. He also pardoned the Right to Life people who were in prison for objecting to abortion at the clinics. This is in contrast to the real criminals that Biden pardoned. Pray for these people that they can adjust to their new place in your society.”
Jesus said: “My people, America has had many unfair trade practices put against you and Trump is trying to have a fair trading with other countries even if tariffs will be used. Trump was bold to criticize the banks who were debanking conservative businesses. Trump also wants to stop the wars in Israel and the Ukraine. This is the peace you have been praying for.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen hurricane damage in the fall, fires in California, and now record snow levels in the Southern states. These natural disasters are testing your people in a record cold winter. This is a punishment for your sins, and you are seeing records broken in snowfall and cold temperatures. Pray for your people to recover in North Carolina, California from the fires, and the South from their power outages.”
Jesus said: “My people of this prayer group, I thank you for your endurance and dedication to your prayers each week, even with this cold weather. You have many intentions to pray for and you are seeing your people passing away as you grow older. Just look how many of your prayer partners who have died in the last year. Keep praying together as you are a dedicated spiritual family.”
Jesus said: “My people, as your people age, your older people are having more health problems. You are seeing people with cancer, poor knees, and sickness. It is not easy to endure pain or constant coughing, so continue to pray for your sick members and their problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have faith in My love, My protection, and My future multiplication of your refuge needs. Have no fear of the evil ones because I will have My angels protect you and provide for your food, water, and fuels. I love all of you so much, and I will see that you are not harmed by the evil ones. Trust in My miracles because I can do the impossible for you.”
Friday, January 24, 2025: (St. Francis de Sales, Lydia Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it was unusual to see so much damage from a hurricane so far inland in North Carolina. It was the HAARP machine and the water coming off the mountains that caused so much destruction. To compound these problems FEMA was low on money because Biden had used the FEMA money to help the illegal immigrants. The poor people in North Carolina could not get much help from the government, and they were without homes in bad weather. You may hear more about this destruction when your President visits this area. Pray that these people in North Carolina will get some help from any aid packages from your new Congress.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to take a quiet reflection on how you are leading your life in putting Me first, and how you can best help people to come to know and love Me. I gave you a vision of a magnifying glass so you can look closer at how you are serving Me in your life as you help your neighbor. You also want to look closely at your spiritual life in how you could improve your life to make it holy. Remember to pray your daily prayers and try to come to Mass every day. At night you could spend some time with Me in Adoration, even if it is on the internet. I thank all of My prayer warriors for all that you do for Me and your neighbor out of love for Me.”
Saturday, January 25, 2025: (Conversion of St. Paul)
Jesus said: “My people, today you read how Saul was persecuting My followers. On the road to Damascus I sent a bring Light to Saul and he fell off of his horse. I told him: ‘Why are you persecuting Me?’ Saul became St. Paul and he was blind until Ananias healed him. St. Paul became a great apostle for the Gentiles whom he preached to save. There are many Christians who are being persecuted for their faith in Me in communist countries. A day is coming here in America when My followers will be persecuted as well. When your lives are threatened by the evil ones, I will bring My Warning and a call to come to My refuges. You will be at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist. You are having a reprieve with Trump now, but you will eventually have to come to My refuges for My angel protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I came on the earth as a God-man so I could suffer and die on the cross to make reparation for all the sins of mankind. Every person has free will to obey My Commandments or not. I even give you the sacrament of Penance in Confession where I will forgive sinners their sins and restore My graces to their souls. Those people, who commit serious sins and refuse to repent of their sins, are the people in My justice who are condemned to hell. Those people, who repent of their sins, will have less to suffer in purgatory, and they will come to heaven one day. I call on My faithful to reach out to souls to help convert them from their sinful lives so they do not go to hell. You do not want to see any soul go to the eternal flames of hell, especially your own family. Keep praying for the conversion of poor sinners, and keep praying for the poor souls in purgatory to be released.”
Sunday, January 26, 2025: (Camille Remacle, Carol’s father)
Camille said: “Hello, John, I thank you, Carol, and Sharon for taking care of Vic with all of his problems. I can see you both are having some health problems of your own. Your people are happy to see Trump back as President because Biden left you with a lot of bad situations. You are seeing a small reprieve with Trump, but the deep state is going to make things hard for him this year. I can see some terrible things coming that could affect a lot of people. You could even see a possible time when you may have to greet many people at your refuge. The elites and the Antichrist have a short time for his reign, so they will be fighting Trump to prepare for the coming tribulation. Pray for the Lord’s protection and have your refuge preparations ready.”
Monday, January 27, 2025:
Jesus said: “My son, this attack of the flies was definitely the demons who did not want your chapel to be used for Mass and prayers. Your priest exorcized your chapel and grounds, and your friend cleaned out the flies with holy water and the long form of your St. Michael prayer. He sprayed the flies and vacuumed them up. This was a sign that your refuge would be needed, and you have followed My directions to set up your refuge. You already have My angels protecting your refuge. Remember when I told you that you will use all of your preparations at the proper time. You will also have a high rise building and a large church in your backyard to house all of the people I will send to you. I will expand all of My refuges for this same purpose.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am calling My faithful to be the salt of the earth and My Light to the world. If the salt loses its taste, then it is good for nothing. So be faithful to following My Commandments, and be a good example to those people around you. Follow My Light just as the Magi followed My star. When you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion, you have My Light of grace within you, and you can share My Light of faith with others as they are converted.”
Katherine DiValerio Mass: Jesus said: “My people, I know this suicide was traumatic for the family, so pray for them. I want you and your wife to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for her soul, which is in lower purgatory.”
Tuesday, January 28, 2025:(St.Thomas Aquinas, John & Carol Leary)
Jesus said: “My son, you and your wife have been My faithful servants, especially since I called you in Medugorje with a conversion from your computer addiction. You have spread My messages of love and warnings all over your country and abroad. You also were called to set up a refuge that will be expanded to house My faithful who will come to your refuge. I thank you for carrying out both of your missions with your books, your website, your Zoom programs, and your prayer group. It will be My Real Presence in My consecrated Host that will allow My multiplication of your needs along with My angels protecting you. So continue your work to ‘Follow Me’.”
Source: ➥