Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Do not shout loudly and aimlessly!
- Message No. 440 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Do not worry about anything. Heaven is with you and your task is known to you. Beware of men, for they are up to no good.
My children. My dear children. Be warned of the masses, because in the masses, the one who has no opinion of his own and feels big, strong and important by saying a lot of "garbage" can assert himself, because he has the backing/backing of the other, mostly short-sighted and lost people.
My children. Wake up! Do not "eat" what they and others give of themselves, but go into your heart and see what feels right and good. Pray to Us and ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.
My children. Stay away from the crowds! Do not shout loudly and aimlessly, but truly and honestly weigh what is best, what is right for all concerned and especially for the smallest and families in your society!
Be careful what you say and speak only when you really have something to say.
I love you, My children, and I warn you, because much good you ruin for yourselves by your aggression, your selfishness, your stubbornness and your pride!
Convert and desist from these sins, for they will only bring you ruin. Amen. I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
--- "My children. Pride is a great sin and blocks your way. Put it away, and become humble, only in this way will you achieve good, here and in eternity. So be it.
I love you.
Your Jesus with God the Father and the Holy Angels."
--- "My children. Pray to Us, for thus We hasten to your aid in every matter.
Your Saints
--- My child. Go now. I love you. Your mother in heaven.
Source: ➥