Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
It is your prayer that sustains this world!
- Message No. 441 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. Thank you, My dear child, for all the singing and prayer.
My child. Difficult times are still ahead of you, but always know that with your prayer you can still mitigate and prevent a great deal.
My children. Pray for the light of the Lord in the hearts of all the children and for the purification of the soul in each one of you. Only in this way will those who are so far from My Son be touched and hopefully repent in time.
My children. Great is Our hope in you, for you are the remnant army of My Son. As such, great responsibility rests upon you, but it is a responsibility out of love for My Son and God the Father, and is therefore not a burden, but great joy!
Pray, My children, pray for yourselves and your fellow brothers and sisters, for thus the Lord will intervene before the devil's very worst plans come to pass!
My children. It is your prayer that sustains this world. Without prayer, you would have long since been dominated and taken over by the devil, and your world would be nothing but gray and gloomy.
--- "So keep praying, My dear children, because I, your Holy Jesus, will hear every prayer spoken intimately and in love, and will draw many more souls to Me before I then come to you for the Second Time."
--- My children. Listen to what My Son tells you, for through your prayer HE will work much good and especially fill your hearts with peace and joy. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
Source: ➥