Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 13, 2014 empty soap bubble that will burst!
- Message No. 442 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My beloved daughter. I, your Holy Father in Heaven, with Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, are very close here with you. My Holy Angels I sent out for you, My child, so that you may feel Our nearness, Our love.
My child. Tell all Our children that We are here. We are working for you, but you must convert, fall completely into Us and give ALL, EVERYTHING to Us. Only in this way will you truly learn to trust in Us completely and in ALL matters, and slowly you can thus break down the "self-control" that is so much of a hindrance to you on this so wonderful path to Eternal Life, because We, My Holy Son and I, your Father in Heaven, together with Mary and all the Holy Heavenly Helpers, are taking care of you.
My children. Let go! Surrender! And trust in Us! We will not abandon any of Our children, but We will raise each one who gives Us his YES. We will give it eternity in the New Paradise, and it will be able to live there gloriously and full of joy. But all others who do not trust in Us will fall victim to the beast.
Many will now voluntarily "bequeath" themselves to the beast, just to get a little recognition, a little power and wealth of earthly goods, but children, be warned, for the devil is the veritable baron of lies and what he promises you for your eternity, is an empty soap bubble that will burst. In its place will come the great suffering, misery, torment and truly the greatest hardship. You will be humiliated and abused. You will suffer greatest torment and your soul (will) burn, a most terrible pain that you will suffer an eternity only because you did not want to give your YES to Jesus.
So wake up, My beloved children, before it is too late for you! Confess in time, because very quickly the reign of Satan will take hold and carry away those who are not with Jesus. So they will be lost for eternity in the New Paradise and will not be able to come when Jesus comes for the Second Time to redeem His followers.
My children. Convert yourselves! This is your only chance to save yourselves and your souls! Come to Jesus! Give Him your YES, because only He is your Redeemer, and only He will free you from the clutches of the Beast.
So come, My children, and wait no longer, for the time you have left to repent is short.
In deepest love, your Father in Heaven with Jesus, Mary and the Angel of the Lord.
Thank you, My child. Go now. Your loving Mother in Heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥