Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Death is not the "solution" to your worries and troubles!
- Message No. 809 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Confess, My children, before it is too late for you, for the promises are being fulfilled, and at present there are only a few children who are worthy to be taken into the New Kingdom of My Son -His Kingdom.
My children. Convert and turn back! It is not too late! Your earth will pass away, but your soul will remain, so turn back, so that you will not be lost and your soul can enter its promised inheritance.
My children. Your soul suffers, and you let it wither away by chasing after the earthly and not recognizing what is actually important. You are here to prepare for eternity, but so many of you do not believe that. They think - and thus they lie to themselves - that after their earthly existence "everything is over". By this they mean the haste, the burden, the hardships and the agonies, because when they "die", be it by normal or induced death, they believe to be "redeemed" (note freed from) from all this burden and hardship and agony of soul, but, My children, THE OWN QUALITY DOES NOT BEGIN UNTIL YOU KNOW IT!
Death is not the "solution" of your worries and troubles, because this is ONLY Jesus, your Savior who loves you so much! Also, neither the worry nor the need stops after your demise, it only changes! Whoever thinks that everything would be over when he leaves the earth, is mistaken, because the eternal life begins, and this is long, My children.
Therefore all of you "flee" to Jesus! Live with HIM! Give your worries and needs to HIM! When you leave the earth -through a death not caused by yourselves(!)- HE will be there and will take you with Him, but who has not confessed HIM, will be caught by the demons of the devil and will spend his eternity in the fires of hell!
My children. It is so extremely important that you confess during your lifetime, because when death -or the end- knocks at your door, you must be ready! Only those who have given their YES to Jesus can be saved! So do not wait any longer and turn back. I, your so much loving Mother in Heaven, ask you to do so, because whoever does not purify himself now, will soon have no more time to do so.
Purgatory will no longer be an option because there will only be 2 ways: The Devil's Hell or My Son's New Kingdom. So prepare yourselves and purify yourselves, because when the end comes, you must be pure and ready. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥