Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 12, 2015
Driven by the devil, you are all led astray from the true path!
- Message No. 810 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: Get up and run to Jesus! Confess yourselves to Him, to your Savior, and do not remain in the world of appearances, for this world has been built for you by the devil and has been thoroughly penetrated by him, and it will not bring you salvation, but will lead you further and further into the mire of his corruption. You will never find true happiness in it, because where the devil is, there is evil, and sooner or later it will bring you suffering and torment.
Therefore, run to My Son, to your Messiah, who -sent to earth by the Father for you, for your SALVATION, and who lived among you as a man, died for you on the cross and thus opened and prepared for each one of you the way into the eternity of the Father- awaits you full of joy and love. ONLY HE is the way to glory. ONLY WITH HIM will you experience true happiness. ONLY THROUGH HIM will you be able to return home to the Father, and only there and with HIM and through HIM will you finally be able to live in peace and without suffering and distress and anguish of soul.
My children. Your world is impure, driven by the devil you are all led astray from the true path. But, My children, no matter what the devil does, if you confess My Son, true joy will enter your lives. The devil will lose all power over you, so give your YES to My Son! Give yourselves completely to Him! Consecrate yourselves to HIM and begin to experience the Heavenly Joy, the true love and purity and glory in you.
My children. It is not too late! Jesus is your way, your only way. So now run to HIM and confess HIM! No matter what will come, with HIM you will experience the promised salvation. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥