Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 13, 2015
It is up to you to mitigate these events!
- Message No. 843 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: You must rise up and confess Jesus, for without HIM your world will perish!
The "unbelief" in your world is great, and all those who do not confess My Son will soon know the chastisements of the Father!
My children. Rise up and confess! Say YES to Jesus and do not perish in unbelief, confusion and euphoria! You must strengthen yourselves in Jesus, because you will be able to master what is coming up to you only with Jesus!
Convert, My children, and wait no longer! The Antichrist is ready for "his appearance", but before that many "events" will shake hands.
Children, pray, so that it does not become too bad for you! And find to My Son, so that your soul, so that you will not be lost, captured and enslaved by the devil, who will not release you!
So listen to My word and confess, My children. Jesus is your way, your only way, and only with HIM will you become worthy.
The events will soon come to pass and the predicted will come to pass. It is up to you to mitigate these events, but this is only possible if you have confessed Jesus, pray and live as worthy children of the Lord!
Don't give the devil power over you by doing NOTHING! Give your YES to Jesus and keep the evil deeds of the beast "at bay" through his minions! Your prayer has the power to do so, so use it, My children!
Those who do not confess will experience the chastisements of the Father. But the faithful children Jesus will save. They will not perish and "the Kingdom of Heaven will be given to them".
So get up, turn around and run to Jesus! Defend HIM and do not let the devil plunge you and so many children/souls into perdition.
I love you, My children, and I pray for you, but your conversion must be of your own free will, that is, you must accomplish it!
With love.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥