Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 15, 2015
DO NOT TAKE NEW MEASURES! Pray that the antichrist may be recognized!
- Message No. 845 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: Stand up for My Son and confess HIM, for only HE is your way into the glory of the Father, and only with HIM will you enter eternity! So do not be stupid and do not be afraid, because the here and now serves for your preparation. So use this time, your life here on earth, to prepare yourselves for eternity in glory in the Kingdom of Heaven, which you will attain with My Son, but without HIM you will NEVER know!
My children. Prepare yourselves, because the end is coming soon. You do not believe it, because you do not see it! You remain in the "how to get along" and do not want to listen to Our Word in many messages, nor do you want to see the signs in your world. Rather you talk it "dead", trivialize it, make plans for the next decades and live as if nothing would happen.
My children. Those who do not open up and face the truth will soon run out of time. You must confess My Son and you must prepare yourselves, otherwise the evil one will overtake you, catch you and push you into his hell! Do not let this happen and confess Jesus: a YES is enough to take the first step.
My children. Prepare yourselves and wait no longer, for the evil will come, but it is up to you to mitigate it.
Pray, My children, pray so that the Antichrist may be recognized! He who does not recognize him for who he is will be lost, for he runs after the false one, and this will cost him his eternity.
Believe, My children, and trust, for the end is at your door. Amen.
I love you.
Confess Jesus and do not allow HIM to be taken from you. Through His "expulsion" "they" will teach you to worship false gods. Then "he" will be shown to you, but it will not be My Son. You will be lied to and deceived, and these lies will now spread more and more in your churches. So take NO NEW MEASURES, for they will worship the beast, imperceptibly to you, but it will be so!
First they "take" from you My Son
My children. Confess Jesus and consolidate yourselves in HIM! He will come to conquer, and whoever is faithful to Him will be saved. Do not wait any longer and confess HIM! A YES is enough to take the first step.
Pray, My children, because in prayer you will find the strength you need for these last days! Pray for peace in Europe and the world, because your prayer has strength and power, and the most evil plans can and will be stopped, IF YOU PRAY!
Unite in prayer, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus.
I love you, and I pray for you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Whoever truly stands by Me will not be lost. This I promise. Your Jesus."
Source: ➥