Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Unfaithful and godless creatures, it is your last chance to escape MY chastisements!
- Message No. 882 -

My beloved daughter. I, your Father in Heaven, am dismayed by your condition: you have not prepared yourselves, although so much time has already passed!
What more can I, your Father who loves you so much, and Jesus, My Son who loves you above all things, do? What else can We say to you so that you will repent and confess Jesus? What, My children, can convince you of the truth and make you ACT? What else must happen for you to believe Our Word and live by it?
My children so loved by Me. When the end is at your door, it will be too late for you! Your soul will be lost and your body will fall to the fiery embers of My chastisements. It will be cruel for you, because you do not believe in what I tell you, and you will be shocked, but the worst will be the realization, because you will realize abruptly WHAT YOU HAVE DONE OR Omitted! You have not listened to Me! You have not confessed Jesus! You have indulged in sin and lived your "pleasure"! You have stepped into "all" the traps of the devil, and you have laughed at it! You have not appreciated Me and My Son, have been disrespectful and have lived in unworthiness!
My children, this is not how you will obtain the New Kingdom, because this is given exclusively to Jesus' faithful children, those of you who have stood against all the hatred, immorality and "suffering" that you do to Me and My Son, no matter the "price" they have to pay for it, because they do it out of love for Me, for My Son, and nothing would make them come to Jesus, not an evil word, not an evil deed, and that, My children, makes them worthy to live with Jesus! But to the rest of you, be told: The hour of justice will come, and those who defile My faithful children will experience theirs! I will chastise them, My children, and these chastisements will cause them the greatest "pain and powerlessness". They will have to answer for their acts of hatred, abomination, contempt of man before ME, your Father in Heaven, WHO I AM JUST, and that, My beloved children, will happen very soon!
Mercy will give way to justice, so act now, unfaithful and godless creatures, because it is your last chance to escape MY chastisements! Whoever does not confess Jesus, does not live his life loving man and pure of heart, HE WILL GO DOWN! Fear ME, because I AM the Almighty, and My omnipotence will prevail, and only My Jesus' faithful children will be redeemed, saved and lifted up!
So confess Jesus, before the time of mercy gives way to justice, because My mercy is ALL FORGIVEN, but justice will judge you, and that, My children, will "tear you apart", shocked of the fact that it was you who gambled away your eternity, that it was you who dug your "grave" in hell, that it was you who had so many opportunities to find Jesus and did not use them, that it was you who refused to acknowledge ME, children, the list is long, and you will plead for mercy, but there will be no more mercy, for mercy will have expired, and justice will judge you according to your deeds and misdeeds. Amen. So be it.
Turn back now. Jesus is your only chance, your way to glory. Amen.
I love you so much, My children, and I want ALL of you to be at home with Me, but most of humanity disregards Me and My Son.
Turn back, My children, and become worthy. Amen.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of the world. Amen.
Source: ➥