Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

This is how you will be victorious over evil!

- Message No. 883 -


My child. My dear child. Good morning. Please tell the children the following today: Father is very sad, because you are already judging yourselves! You do not listen to Our word, you do not live according to Our instructions, you even rage against it and defile and sully yourselves more and more!

Children, this is not the way! You must repent and become children worthy of God! But this, My children, you will not become by wallowing in the masses and swimming along with them, but by seeking Jesus!

Jesus is your only way to glory, and only with HIM you will be lifted up, find your way home, reach the Father! Without Jesus your soul is lost, and all that you are currently doing to your soul on earth is already like a "death" for it, because you disregard it, as you disregard God!

You leave it no room to develop, just as you give God no room in your life, and you suffocate it in naughtiness and selfishness, shower it with worldly things and indulge in pleasures of any kind(!), and that, My children, will cost you eternity, because God never reveals Himself in the worldly, but in solitude, in rest, in prayer, in nature, but not in crowds and pleasure centers or other worldly institutions, which serve to your ruin!

His "house", the Holy Body of His Son, is your Church! There HE is "at home"! So seek out your churches and participate in your Holy Masses!

Not without reason the evil one wants to "destroy" the Church of My Son! He is already doing this cunningly from within!

Why does he care so much to expel Jesus, to replace HIM with pagan-satanic practices and signs, to replace the Holy Mass words with other, meaningless ones, etc.? Why do you think, My children?

When Jesus is "expelled", people no longer have a foothold here on earth. They are completely at the mercy of evil and wander around like lost sheep without a shepherd! Therefore the devil does everything to drive Jesus out! Of course he will never succeed, but with every feint he strikes, the people WHO ARE NOT IN JESUS get more lost, and the more lost, the greater the devilish chaos, which nobody but he himself sees through!

So consolidate yourselves in Jesus, My children, and become worthy children of the Lord! Read the Holy Bible, the Holy Book of the Father, because EVERYTHING is written there! Live according to His commandments and the teachings of Jesus, and purify yourselves. A soul that is pure will find Jesus! It will be lifted up and be "free" because it has found God and will live forever!

Pray, My children, because your prayer is very important! It brings you so close to God, and it is the armor given to you for this time of the end!

So use your prayer and never let it break off! Your guardian angel prays with you and further with your soul if you ask him.

Use all the gifts We have given you in these and other messages. So you will be victorious over evil, and Jesus will come to redeem you, and that day is now near.

Believe and trust and do not doubt, My children! Doubt stirs up the evil one, but not Jesus, in WHOM you must be completely established!

Use Our prayers and instructions in these messages, for they are for your salvation, and prepare yourselves!

Soon it will be accomplished and the New Era will dawn, so long take courage and persevere, My children. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, am always with you and protect you, but you must ask Me in prayer for you and your loved ones!

Pray to the Holy Spirit to give you clarity! He will strengthen you and guide you through the last days of confusion! Pray to HIM DAILY. Amen.

I love you, My children. Have courage and persevere!

Your loving Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥