Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, March 19, 2015

My beloved Rest Army children!

- Message No. 885 -


My child. There you are. Thank you for coming and answering My call. Please say the following to the children of the earth today: Your suffering, which many of Our children are currently going through, is so much needed. It is the last attempt to make as many more children repent, and this will happen thanks to the acceptances of suffering of so many of Jesus' faithful children, and from the bottom of My heart I thank you for this, My beloved Rest Army children, because what you are making possible is such an indescribable gift for thousands upon thousands of souls who, thanks to you, thanks to the acceptance and sacrifice of every kind of suffering -and there are many, My children- makes possible the conversion of thousands and thousands of children, and this is so indescribably valuable, because it saves souls, and no earthly treasure, not the greatest treasure of gold and precious stones, could be more valuable than your dedication to this suffering that is imposed on the children of Jesus, especially during this Lent.

My children. Thank you! Hang in there, for My Son's work of redemption is almost complete!

Your devotion to HIM is unique, and it helps so many souls to find their way to My Son after all. "Suffer" in joy, My children, for there is great joy in Heaven over such a great number of converting children! Accept everything in love for My Son, for HE "carries" your sacrifices where they are most needed, as well as all your prayers, which HE lovingly puts where they are so urgently needed.

My children. My children so loved by Me. Hang in there and never give up! Your Lenten sacrifice will soon be completed, and soon you will "see the sun on the horizon," that is, hang in there, for with the end of Lent, the sufferings will lessen, although even then much atonement and sacrifice and prayer will still be needed!

Lent is a special time, so use it and place it and yourselves entirely at the service of the Lord. The graces that flow to the earth are now preparing to be great, and always on special feast days they flow down to you and to your earth in great abundance! This time of graces lasts until Mercy Sunday, so take advantage of this time and give yourselves completely to Jesus, whoever surrenders to HIM will bring forth good fruits.

So give yourselves totally to My Son and consecrate yourselves to HIM! A child consecrated to Jesus will always have special graces, but you must consecrate yourselves to Jesus out of love for HIM and trust completely in HIM. Jesus will then be able to take care of you, but you must give yourself completely to HIM and accept EVERYTHING out of love for HIM! You must act, pray, live in love! Ask Us and We will help you.

My children. The graces are great in this time, but soon mercy will give way to justice. Therefore, use the little time that remains and "help" Jesus where and how you can! Many souls have not yet found to HIM, but still the "warning" remains to lead also them to Jesus. After that comes the great division, and you must be completely established in Jesus.

My children. In these messages, We have given you detailed guidance for living with Jesus in the here and now and in eternity. Use these messages and prepare yourselves.

With love, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, with the saints present here, who are all at your side if you only ask them.

Take advantage of the "help" We give you and pray, My children, for so much prayer is still needed. Amen. So be it.

Go now. Amen.

Source: ➥