Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 20, 2015
The warning can come at any time!
- Message No. 886 -

My child. Write so that Our Word may be heard by the world.
Prepare yourselves, My beloved children, for the Second Coming of My Son is now drawing nearer and nearer, and whoever has not prepared himself, has not confessed HIM, his Savior, will despair and go astray in these last days, for the lies of the evil one are cunning and crafty, and whoever does not see through them will be his prey!
My children. Prepare yourselves for the end that will now soon come, for when My Son comes to redeem you, you must be ready for HIM!
Prepare yourselves and your houses and your animals. Have consecrated candles in the house, the seal of the Father and a Holy Bible. Pray through the 3 dark days and do not look outside.
Whoever is not obedient will perish, so keep Our instructions so that you can be redeemed.
My children. You do not have much time left. Prepare yourselves now, for soon it will be too late for you, and when the time comes, the warning and the great day of joy, you must be prepared so as not to perish and/or suffer. Amen.
I ask you: Prepare yourselves. The warning may come at any time. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption, who loves you from the bottom of her heart and I am always there for you, provided you ask Me. Amen.
--- "My children, you must be ready, for only the Father knows the date. Amen.
Go therefore and prepare yourselves, the house, the cattle and the domestic animals. You will always be taken care of, provided you are obedient to Jesus.
Go therefore and listen to Our word. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven with the saints and the angels of the Father. Amen.
Source: ➥