Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 21, 2015
...before the Antichrist puts you under his spell!
- Message No. 887 -

Good morning. Write, My daughter, and tell Our children that We love them.
They must convert in order not to be lost, and they must give their irrevocable YES to Jesus, otherwise the devil will gain great power over them and their soul will be lost in the end.
Without Jesus, NO CHILD OF THE EARTH will be able to escape the evil machinations of the devil and get caught in his web of lies, that is why it is so extremely important that you, beloved children, confess My Son now, before the greatest evils break loose and the Antichrist puts you under his spell!
You will be lost if you do not consolidate yourselves in Jesus, therefore find to HIM! Live with HIM! And keep the commandments of the Father and the teachings of Jesus, because only in this way you have a chance, only in this way you will "escape" the evil and you will save your soul.
Jesus will come to conquer, and everyone who is faithful to HIM will find salvation. Amen.
Tell this to Our children, for only Jesus is the way of all of you. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation, whom I love all My children from the bottom of My heart. Amen.
I bless you. Arise and make yourselves ready. A YES to Jesus is enough to take the first step. Amen.
Thank you, go now. Amen. I bless you, My child. Amen. Your suffering/suffering is also needed. Amen.
Source: ➥