Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 28, 2015
"One" is already playing with you!
- Message No. 894 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: Your Head of the Church is causing confusion, for he is cunning and skillful and is preparing for the "Son of Evil" - cloaked and interwoven and utterly sophistical and wrapped in the sweetest, so "believable" words - the "Ascension to the Supreme Throne", but, My beloved children, everything that comes out of his mouth is lies, for his words serve only one purpose: To give the devil "space in your world", dominion over ALL and EVERYTHING, but, My beloved children, this will never happen, because God, your Father, is a merciful God, and through the intimate love for His faithful children, the children who glorify His Son, HE will stop and send Jesus to conquer, to save and lift up His faithful children, and this, My beloved children, will happen in the 3 dark days.
JESUS WILL NOT DWELL A SECOND TIME UNDER YOU, so believe and trust, and DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE WHO ARE LISTENING, for they seek your corruption, but not your salvation, although they pretend to do so, and so many of Our children believe them.
Be warned, for "they" are already playing with you! Trust in Jesus, NOT IN THE PEOPLE, because only Jesus is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, NOBODY WILL LEAD YOU TO THE FATHER, but suffocate you in lies and smear honey around your mouth with beautiful words, which will soon become bitter and unpalatable and will lie in your stomach like lead!
So listen to Our Word and FIX YOURSELF IN JESUS! Only in this way you have a chance!
Amen. So be it.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
I love and I protect you, and with My mantle I cover those who are faithful to My Son. Amen.
Source: ➥