Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 29, 2015
If only you would trust, beloved children, and not talk everything to pieces or ignore it!
- Message No. 895 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children the following today: If you do not convert, My children, do not renounce sin, do not desist from the seductions of Satan, you will be lost.
There is not much time left for your conversion and only the one who has found Jesus will not be lost.
Children, prepare yourselves, for the end is nearer than you think!
You don't believe it, you don't see it, you live as if all this is not true, but soon you will see the truth, and then, My beloved children, it is high time to give your YES to Jesus!
My children. Jesus loves all the children of the earth, that is, each one of you, and out of this love HE grants you this time of preparation so that you may be truly ready for HIM and recognize the signs of the times for what they are!
God the Father has created you in greatest love, and out of this love HE gives you these messages, because not one of His so beloved children shall be lost!
If only you would trust, beloved children, and not talk or ignore everything!
These messages are for your salvation, they are the instructions how to survive these last days!
Listen to Our Word and prepare yourselves, because only Jesus is the way to the Father, no other will lead you to the Kingdom of Heaven!
So give your YES to Jesus and give yourselves completely to Him! Then you will not be lost, because Jesus will save you!
Whoever has doubts, let him know that doubts always come from Satan!
So trust in Jesus and listen to His word, because only HE is your way, and only with HIM you will live eternally and fulfilled!
So come now, beloved children, and give yourselves completely to HIM and do not let the evil one get power over you.
Jesus is the way, your only way, there is no other way to the Father.
Before the end knocks at your door, Jesus will give you one last chance to repent.
Who does not use this, who continues to deny the truth, HE will not be able to help him, because HE will respect the free will of everyone, and who does not decide for HIM, HE will not "impose" himself on him.
So think well, my children, because you "forge" your own way. So think well where it should lead.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"My children, do not doubt, but pray to the Holy Spirit. Amen." Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much.
Source: ➥