Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 14, 2015
They compose writings and share untruths!
- Message No. 944 -

My child. Write and listen to what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the earth: Much confusion is created by those who serve the devil. They compose writings and communicate untruths. They do this very skillfully and use My name for it.
Be warned and do not follow these lies! We told you that many prophets will appear, but only ONE is the end-time prophetess. You have been given the messages for the end times, so listen to Our Word, My children, because many lies and falsehoods are being spread, and it is hard for you to distinguish. The book of My Son has been written. Read it and keep to it.
In these messages (the preparation) We accompany you. We= I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, the saints of the communion of saints, the angels of the Lord and the angels of the Father, as well as Jesus who loves you so much and God the Father who gives you these messages, for the better understanding and preparation of your hearts!
Believe, My children, because these messages are real. They come from Heaven and are a gift from God the Father to you.
My children. There will always be doubters, and there will always be the curious. The doubters run the risk of not preparing. But the curious are in danger of being lost to the devil, BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE NOT OUR WORD, BUT THE WORD OF THE LIARS! Therefore, desist from BEAUTIFUL WORDS and feel in your heart: In these messages you are being prepared, but others are cleverly and cunningly taking you away from the right path, because the devil does not sleep and will leave no path unexploited to bring you into his clutches.
My children. Do not doubt the "preparation"", because it was given to you by the Father through Me, your Mother in Heaven! And do not doubt the "Book of Truth", because it is the voice of My Son that speaks from these messages.
There are other children whom We have chosen, and who proclaim the true Word. So now listen to your heart and never give in to curiosity, for it can bring you down.
My children. This is a serious subject, and saddened I see how many of you are already confused and in doubt.
Do not follow the crowd, but listen to My Son! Consolidate yourselves in HIM and prepare yourselves, for His Second Coming is not far off. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥