Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 15, 2015
Do not try to take your "destiny" into your own hands!
- Message No. 945 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the world today how important it is to trust in Jesus. Without trusting in My Son, your lives will be bleak. You will never experience the real, the true joy and seek your happiness only on the outside, which will never fulfill you. My children. My children so loved by Me. For your salvation you MUST find Jesus and live your life according to His Word, His teachings and trust in HIM and in HIM. Without Jesus, desolation will spread in you, discontentment, gloom and so much other suffering, such as hopelessness and depression. You MUST give your YES to Jesus and LET HIM BE LORD OVER YOUR LIFE, because HE is the way to eternity. Only through HIM and with HIM you will live fulfilled, true happiness and joy will be revealed and granted to you, but without HIM tribulation will come upon you and your soul will never find fulfillment. Confess Jesus, My children, and entrust everything to Him. Let Him participate in your life and let Him act in your life. Trust in HIM in all matters and do not try to take your "destiny" into your own hands, because only Jesus is the key into Eternal Life at the Father's side, you alone will not be able to go the way, but the devil will steal you, and that, beloved children, will be your downfall. So live with Jesus and prepare yourselves now. His Second Coming is coming soon, and blessed is he who has prepared. Amen. I love you, beloved flock of children. Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen. --- "The Mother speaks the true word. Prepare yourselves, for Jesus will come. Amen. Angel of the Father. Amen." --- Our Lady: You must listen to My Son, My children, otherwise you will soon be lost.
You must live with My Son, otherwise you will be lost.
Listen to Our Word in these messages, for it has been given to you by the Father, who has commissioned Me, His Holy Handmaid, to do so. Amen.
Source: ➥