Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Make yourselves ready for Jesus! Amen."

- Message No. 993 -


My child. My dear child. Write and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say to the children of the earth today: arise, stand up and prepare yourselves, for My Son will come to redeem you who are faithful and devoted to HIM, but you must prepare yourselves for HIM and for HIM, so that you may be pure and worthy to come before HIM!

Children, be warned, for the worst evil has not yet begun. Pray, beloved children, and never lose heart! Whoever prays is never alone, and whoever asks Us for help, We will come to his aid!

So pray, beloved children, and prepare yourselves. My Son's warning will not be long in coming, and after that everything will happen very quickly.

Take courage, My children, and trust, for only those who trust in Jesus, give themselves completely to HIM and share their lives with HIM, will be granted the promises, and the kingdom of 1000 year peace will be their New Home.

So prepare yourselves now, because soon it will be too late for you, and the adversary is only waiting for your fall!

Remain faithful to Jesus at all times and never despair! I, your loving Mother in Heaven, will always be with you and grant My protection and help to those who ask Me for it sincerely. Amen.

Make yourselves ready for Jesus. Amen.

Your Mother in Heaven.

Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.

Source: ➥