Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, July 10, 2015
Where "reforming" is done at the expense of My Son's teachings, you will soon have the devil in your house!
- Message No. 994 -

My child. My dear child. Your prayer is so infinitely important, therefore pray, My children, and never let it break off, because where prayer is, the evil one does not get a foot in the door, but where prayer is lacking, he seizes souls in the most deceitful way, and man does not recognize it.
So pray, My beloved children, for you and your brothers and sisters in the Lord, that each child may find his way to My Son and recognize and avoid the temptations and traps of the evil one!
Pray, My children, for the discernment to the Holy Spirit! Ask, yes implore the divine clarity, because so much confusion is already in your world, and the children of My Son are "divided", divided into two camps, because they do not recognize the truth and follow those who do not come from My Son!
Be warned, beloved children, for where there is "reforming" at the expense of My Son's teachings, you will soon have the devil in your house!
Be warned and do not cheer those who approve of sin! The teachings of My Son remain UNCHANGEABLE (!), just like the commandments of the Father, which NOBODY(!) is authorized to change!
Be warned and do not believe in the "free pass" of sin, because sin remains sin, no matter how veiled it will now be sold to you as good!
Be warned and stay on your guard, because the word of My Son and the Father in Heaven MUST NOT BE CHANGED!
So be vigilant, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus. Then your soul will be lifted up, and the devil will NOT gain power over you. Amen. So be it. In deepest love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is extremely important. Amen.
Source: ➥