Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Evil is taking hold, also and especially in His Holy Church!
- Message No. 995 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: Stand up and rise for Jesus, your salvation, your blessings, your eternity depend on HIM, your love for HIM!
So do not deny HIM, but share your life with HIM! Honor HIM and seek out His Holy Masses while you can, because evil is taking hold, also and especially in His Holy Church, and soon you will find it difficult to find "pure" Mass rituals.
Believe, My children, and trust in My Son. The end is near and soon HE will come.
I love you, My children. Do not be blinded by pomp and splendor, by money and power, and do not be tempted!
The temptations are all too great in this time, and when the Antichrist shows his face publicly, then, beloved children, be on your guard. Do not fall for him, for he captivates with charm and charisma, and his charisma is dangerous, his gaze will devour you if you are not careful. He will cast a spell on all of you, and you will be will-less. Only My Son will be able to help you. So be faithful to HIM and turn away from the adversary, because once under his spell you will hardly get away from him.
So be faithful to Jesus and be warned, because the one who is coming is not My Son! Jesus will come to redeem you, and HE will send His warning, but HE will not dwell among you.
So be warned and do not fall for the evil one. I, your Mother in Heaven, protectively place My mantle of protection around you, if you lovingly and sincerely ask Me for it. Amen. With deepest love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥